Is it horrible that I want to post a million more blogs right now?!!? What is the proper etiquette when it comes to this....are these things supposed to be DAILY posts? Not sure...
Well...too bad - I'm posting a million cadrillion hudred thousand more in the next few days. I think i need friends here. I have wayyy too much time on my hands. lol.
Monday, December 22, 2008
I sat in my living room for the FIRST time in 5 months!
My couches finally arrived today!! YAY! After five months of living here, I sat in my living room for the very first time today! I actually ordered the couches more than 12 weeks ago from jennifer convertibles. bastards.
But, because their warehouse is in Fort Lauderdale (1.5 hrs away), their earliest delivery date was 6 weeks out. Flash forward 6 wks from the date I ordered the couches, and my mom was in the hospital in Jax. Long story short - I was 15 min late for the couch delivery. The delivery window period was from 8am-5pm. But those bastards showed up at 7:30am and said i was 45 min late...and their policy is to leave after 30. ugh. are you kidding me? yes, i was 15 late - but I even talked to the guys on the phone...ugh...okay, so i guess I didn't make this short.

Anyway, Alexia called Jennifer Convertibles to fight that battle for was able to get a delivery date for Dec. 8. BUT instead of all the extra drama - i just had them deliver the couches on the next avail. date which was today, Dec. 22. I ended up having to pay an extra $160 delivery charge, in addition to the first $160 delivery charge!!! Can you believe it?!! Ridiculous!!
Making it feel a little more like home:
I added a couple throw blankets and accent pillows. I plan on getting an area rug (see concept drawing below) and sewing my own pillows to match. Great! Then I'll get the exact pillows I want!!! 

<--The 19" tv is a transplant from my bedroom, and currently placed on one of my endtables temporarily

I already bought the rest of the living room furniture from IKEA a couple months ago. I also bought this awesome little bar table/barstool set that I have in there, too.
<--- I guess this is where I'm supposed to have the dining room table - but I wasn't a fan. The kitchen is HUGE, so I put my dining room table (also from IKEA) in the living room, and made this area "cooler"!!!
Plus, it gave me more room to spread out my living room when I DO get the HUGE tv, there will be plenty of space for it!!!
I still need to buy a large tv, area rug, and paint some art/commission friends and family to paint some art for my apt.
If I stand on my porch and stick my tongue out, I'll lick the Wal-Mart
So, five months after moving to Fort Pierce, I have decided to write a blog! What better way than to keep track of my amazing experiences while I'm here, right?!? Think of it as a "travel journal", if you will. Like when I went to Africa...I carried a notebook with me and I kept track of all of the crazy things that happened during the 2.5 weeks I spent there...after all, I didn't want to forget a single second of my trip.
Who am I kidding? The truth of the matter is that I know my friends are SICK of hearing me complain about this hopefully this will allow me to "filter" my venting a little bit before I make it to the phone. lol.
This blog will be completely in the "stream of consciousness" style. Don't expect it to flow nicely...just imagine me typing exactly what I'm thinking (my way of providing context clues for those of you who do not know what "stream of consciousness" means...which I hope you don't admit it if you are one of those individuals).
And, if you've spoken to me at all over the last five know that I'm living in the bustling city of Fort Pierce. So much hustle and bustle (probably more of the former than the latter), that I like to call it "Port Fierce". The funny thing is that when I tell people here that I call this place PORT one gets it. Really? C'mon!
Who am I kidding? The truth of the matter is that I know my friends are SICK of hearing me complain about this hopefully this will allow me to "filter" my venting a little bit before I make it to the phone. lol.
This blog will be completely in the "stream of consciousness" style. Don't expect it to flow nicely...just imagine me typing exactly what I'm thinking (my way of providing context clues for those of you who do not know what "stream of consciousness" means...which I hope you don't admit it if you are one of those individuals).
And, if you've spoken to me at all over the last five know that I'm living in the bustling city of Fort Pierce. So much hustle and bustle (probably more of the former than the latter), that I like to call it "Port Fierce". The funny thing is that when I tell people here that I call this place PORT one gets it. Really? C'mon!
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