My couches finally arrived today!! YAY! After five months of living here, I sat in my living room for the very first time today! I actually ordered the couches more than 12 weeks ago from jennifer convertibles. bastards.
But, because their warehouse is in Fort Lauderdale (1.5 hrs away), their earliest delivery date was 6 weeks out. Flash forward 6 wks from the date I ordered the couches, and my mom was in the hospital in Jax. Long story short - I was 15 min late for the couch delivery. The delivery window period was from 8am-5pm. But those bastards showed up at 7:30am and said i was 45 min late...and their policy is to leave after 30. ugh. are you kidding me? yes, i was 15 late - but I even talked to the guys on the phone...ugh...okay, so i guess I didn't make this short.

Anyway, Alexia called Jennifer Convertibles to fight that battle for was able to get a delivery date for Dec. 8. BUT instead of all the extra drama - i just had them deliver the couches on the next avail. date which was today, Dec. 22. I ended up having to pay an extra $160 delivery charge, in addition to the first $160 delivery charge!!! Can you believe it?!! Ridiculous!!
Making it feel a little more like home:
I added a couple throw blankets and accent pillows. I plan on getting an area rug (see concept drawing below) and sewing my own pillows to match. Great! Then I'll get the exact pillows I want!!! 

<--The 19" tv is a transplant from my bedroom, and currently placed on one of my endtables temporarily

I already bought the rest of the living room furniture from IKEA a couple months ago. I also bought this awesome little bar table/barstool set that I have in there, too.
<--- I guess this is where I'm supposed to have the dining room table - but I wasn't a fan. The kitchen is HUGE, so I put my dining room table (also from IKEA) in the living room, and made this area "cooler"!!!
Plus, it gave me more room to spread out my living room when I DO get the HUGE tv, there will be plenty of space for it!!!
I still need to buy a large tv, area rug, and paint some art/commission friends and family to paint some art for my apt.
1 comment:
looks like a cool spot. hey i think if u look real hard at that walmart there will be a lil kid in the parking lot...with a turkey lunchable. haha. oh and before I read anymore of these posts I will say that the tv is a great idea and as fas as tv being comprable to beds....its tv all the way. just fill the air matress back up in the morning. hahaha.
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