Friday, February 5, 2010

Blizzard in PA!

So, it's a Friday night in Pennsylvania...and it's snowing! Surprise, surprise! Although we're expected to get about 15-18 inches of snow over the course of the weekend, I have to admit that I'm kind of excited about it! The last time it snowed like this this winter was the weekend of December 19 when I was supposed to be headed home for the holidays. I ended up being stuck here in Harrisburg for days until I could find a flight back to sunny Florida.

This time is different. Last blizzard, I could hardly enjoy the laziness of sitting around the house, watching movies, and enjoying the company of people you care about. Instead, i was so concerned that I'd never make it back to Jax for Christmas - that I spent the better part of that weekend stressed out. This time around, it really is different.

When I got off work, I packed a bag with a couple outfits, my work stuff, a couple DVDs, and hit the door! Off to spend the weekend, snowed in, with the 'bf'!! There's something really relaxing about sitting on the couch, watching a good tv show, playing on the computer, and watching the snow fall outside. I have to admit, it is surprisingly pretty.

Tonight on my way over here, I had my first rough experience driving in the snowy, wintery weather. At first, my car fish-tailed a bit as I turned a corner...and just shortly after I had gotten back on track, I drove about a quarter of a mile or so...and lost complete control again. The second time was very scary though - there was another car coming in my direction and started to also lose control. Next thing I know, my car was no longer moving forward, and moving sideways toward the car on my left, then the sign on the right, the was bad. By the grace of God, I managed to regain control - and slow the car down and stop safely. Whew - that was scary!! Fortunately, when I moved here...everyone gave me little tips about how to react in that sort of situation...that definitely helped! (thanks!)

Thankfully, I'm safe and sound, cozy and warm, and ready for a good night's sleep!!

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