Saturday, April 3, 2010

I'M ON A BOAT...with strangers!

It was a gorgeous day in Harrisburg today and I wanted to soak up every bit of sunshine I could!

I woke up early this morning...okay, okay, I slept in....and walked up to the market to get a sandwich for lunch. I wish I would have taken a picture, but believe me when I say that you'll never eat a sandwich from Subway again once you have one of these subs!! It was soo delicious; but I digress.

I ate my lunch at the market, sitting outside and basking in the Pennsylvania sun. Loving Life. Once I walked back home, I couldn't bare to sit inside on a day like this so I put on some shorts, a tank top, and packed a bag with the essentials: large towel, 3 magazines, 1 book, water bottle, and my trusty weather radio.

I walked over to the riverfront, which is about three blocks away and got comfortable right at the shoreline. How awesome to be sun bathing again...oh, how I missed the sun so much!!

After about an hour of relaxing at the riverfront, minding my own business...the sounds of my little weather radio are completely drowned out, and all I hear is this super duper loud music...coming from a pontoon boat down the Susquehanna River. As the boat passes, I hear the people on it laughing and joking around as they danced like they were at a nightclub. Hillarious! They pulled the boat near me and asked if I wanted to get on...I politefully declined. But, that wasn't enough for them. They looped back around about five minutes having changed the music from Rihanna to Eric Clapton...still dancing like they were at the club though. haha.

I told them that maybe if they looped back around one more time, I'd reconsider. Without hesitation, they turned the boat around as if it weren't 20 feet long! I hadn't anticipated they'd do that...and had to think fast! They 'parked' the boat right next to me and spent the next twenty mintues trying to convince me to hop on. Not only did I think it was a bad idea...I thought it was a DUMB one, too.

After about 20 minutes of talking to them, I found out that they were decent individuals, all of whom either owned businesses or were professionals in the area. I eventually gave in and jumped on the boat - but made them pinky promise they'd bring me back after one loop around City Island. Certainly it became safe after the pinky swear...I mean, that's practically a legally binding contract! Right?

Anyway - had a blast riding the river on the pontoon boat with complete strangers! I know it's crazy (and dumb), but it worked out just fine. Met a handful of new friends, learned about a couple restaurants and bars that they each owned in the area...and got a little bit of a tan while I was at it!

It's days like this that make me LOVE living here :-)

1 comment:

Jessica H said...

This is GREAT!!! I love it...that sounds like something crazy fun people do and you, my friend, are crazy fun! :)