So, here's the difference: moving toward a Paleo lifestyle is a little harder when Jesus isn't involved...and when it's forever, and not just 40ish days. To say I've followed the diet flawlessly would be a lie. It's tough to give up grains and dairy. Legumes, not so much - I've never cared for the legume family. I LOVE cheese. I LOVE bread. Even better = Cheesy Bread. (sigh) But, the decision I'm making to move toward Paleo is one that will be worth the initial struggles and hassle.
Broiled salmon is one of my faves. Here's a picture of
my dinner last night. I broil the salmon after first rubbing it with olive oil, minced garlic, a tiny bit of sea salt, and freshly ground pepper. I then squeeze half a lime over it and pop it in the broiler for about 15 minutes (or until the garlic browns a bit). One of the things that helps me the most is the fact that I buy peeled garlic loves from the farmer's market once a month and mince, mince, mince until I have a supply of it to last me for a while - definitely a time saver in the long run! I also cooked up some fresh asparagus - nothing special, just boiled it 'til it was just right. And the salad on the left is made of tomato, cucumber and onion, all chopped. It was lacking a bit in flavor, so I minced some kalamata olives and threw it in the mix. Delicioso! I used the other half of the lime on the salmon...for good measure! I used to top this meal off with feta cheese (just because I like it)...but the cucumber salad was my replacement. Weird choice to replace cheese - but I think it worked. I was satisfied without feeling stuffed...and really felt energized.

I took a trip to the farmer's market this morning and stocked up! Oh, I miss living in walking distance to that place...but the 20 minute drive is well worth all the goodies! For less than forty bucks, I got a ton of veggies, fruits, half a cooked chicken (by the Amish...yummy!), a lb of ground turkey, and a lb of ground turkey sausage. I even had some pork and shrimp kabobs there for lunch =) What a fun way to spend the morning!
I had planned on eating the other half of my salmon filet for dinner tonight, but quickly abandoned that idea in pursuit of making spaghetti squash for the first time. Yum. And as I started to think about it, I figured why not make full blown I normally would with regular noodles? And that's exactly what I did. Here are a few pictures from my spaghetti squash adventure:
Unlike my traditional spaghetti, I didn't add any sauce at all. I was a little nervous, but the juices from all the turkey and veggies made the perfect sauce and consistency!! The pasta was DELICIOUS! Seriously. It doesn't taste exactly like real noodles...but it's not very far off! And you don't even know you're eating SQUASH! Crazy! But I loved it! The best part about it is that I made enough sauce to last the week. AND I only ate about a quarter of the spaghetti that came out of the I have plenty of leftovers for lunch this week! Woo Hoo!
Not only did I have a super delicious meal for dinner...but it was completely PALEO! Did I mention that all of this came after enrolling at my neighborhood Gold's Gym....AND working out!
I can do this =)
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