Thursday, September 9, 2010

Agh! 25 is almost here!!

I'm turning 25 in ten days. Ten days. To celebrate the big birthday, my boyfriend and I are going with another couple to Vegas for a long weekend! We're absolutely thrilled. This will be my first trip to Sin City and I couldn't be any more excited! I've already told the bf that I want to see a comedy show, a hypnotist, and need to also set aside several hours for poolside relaxation! We're really looking forward to it.

The following weekend, I'll be flying back home to FL. Thank God. It'll have been six weeks since seeing my family, but for some reason, it seems so much longer! In fact, it'll have been 47 days...the same amount of time it's been since seeing the bf, considering the last time I saw him we were in FL together. I can't wait to go home!!! There's nothing like a hug from your favorite people in life!!

I guess every good thing comes at a price. Unfortunately, since I'll be traveling for those weekends, I'll miss the first two games of our flag football season. You may remember that I played flag football last year: The Hershey Squirts! As a matter of fact, that's how I met my bf, and many of the friends with whom I'm closest here in town! Since last football season, we've played dodgeball, ultimate frisbee, and kickball...but none seem to compare quite to football.

I recently discovered that I'm not getting enough sleep at night. Yeah - definitely not getting eight hours every night. But why? What in the world am I doing that's keeping me up at night? Aside from the nightly routine of emails, fb, tv, cooking,'s the daily deals that's keeping me up at night. You read that right...daily deals. Seriously. Certainly you've seen sites where they offer one incredibly inexpensive deal every 24 hours...which makes it nearly impossible to NOT purchase it. Yeah, well, I'm a huge fan. And really enjoy staying up until midnight...just to make sure I get whatever "it" is...first. God help me.

I also joined a jewelry club. Yeah. Miss 'worst girl ever' joined a jewelry club. Truth be told, I've picked up several girly habits recently. I can stomach the idea of wearing eye makeup now...and even graduated from the days of ponytails and buns. Instead, I actually take a little bit of time in the morning ... really getting ready! Who knew! Somewhere along the way (after attending a jewelry party), I decided that not only is jewelry fun to also can really help to spruce up a boring outfit. And since I have an endless supply of boring outfits, well, you see where I'm getting with this. Jewelry isn't that bad. I actually enjoy it.

I think my problem is that I really enjoy receiving mail. Not the 'Buy 2 large pizzas, get a 1-liter of Coke free' sort of mail....or the utility bill...but, the package with my name (preferably hand-written), just dying to be ripped open before I even make it back from the mailbox to my place!!! For that reason, I also enjoy sending mail :-)

I'd like to do a better job of chronicling my life a bit more...but, I often find myself sidetracked. With so much going on in the coming weeks, the potential for riveting posts surely exists.

Looking forward to the next post!

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