Thursday, September 16, 2010

Boot Camp Day 2: I threw up.

Yup. I threw up. Second day of boot camp...vomit.

Let me back up and start by saying that Tuesday was my first official day of boot camp. We spent the hour and fifteen minutes doing a fitness assessment. If you can remember back to your high school days when you had to take the Presidential Fitness Test....same thing. But, boy is it a humbling experience when you're not in high school anymore!

I'm not sure if I'm really this out of shape, or if I'm psyching myself out because I'm just days away from my 25th birthday....and subconsciously I'm thinking that I'm getting old or something! BUT...either way - I feel out of shape! I guess I've gotten by with being "athletic enough" for a long time. Thank God for good genes...I'm learning that much of my body size can be directly attributed to's certainly not hard work and exercise. Because THIS has been hard work and exercise...and I am definitely NOT USED to it! haha

The good news is that I finished my mile in less than ten minutes. The bad news is that I'm proud of that. Luckily, the "sit and reach" gave me something to be proud of. And I didn't do so poorly in the "plank" or "wall squat" either. We tracked a ton of fitness tests, and will revisit each of them when the 8-wk session ends.

Week one is done. Tuesday was the fitness assessment...and today (Thurs) was the real deal. Okay, truth be told, the instructor called it "Boot Camp 101". Not too promising. I was BEAT. OHMYGAWD. I was sooooo exhausted. My arms and legs were shaking. My stomach hurt. I felt light-headed. Bad, bad, bad. Next thing you know...vomit. Awesome.

Thankfully, I found it within me to keep going. And I did, albeit struggling, but I finished it nonetheless!

There are two options from here: 1. consider the boot camp fee a sunk cost and give up now OR 2. stick it out and come out of this a stronger person (fo' real! hehe).

The goal is to shoot for option 2 as of if you see me, words of encouragement are welcomed!! Let's just hope I can get through this weekend in Vegas...without completing negating all of my hard work! ....On second thought, Vegas, here I come!!!

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